Friday, November 29, 2019

The Modern Music of Soul free essay sample

Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the Imagination, and life to everything. What the philosopher Plato is trying to say is that music Is everything and it makes us who we are. Journey uses many literary devices to spread the message to never give up and dont stop believing. The powerful message that Journey Is trying to send to listeners Is that life gets rough and bumpy sometimes for everybody.There will be good times and when bad mimes are upon us, we need to hold on to the feeling of hope and you will conquer through the rough times. In order for Journey to send such a powerful message they use the repetition of dont stop believing and hold on to that feeling. They repeat this because they want you to know that no matter what is going on in your life, even if it seems it will never go away, there will always be a silver lining. We will write a custom essay sample on The Modern Music of Soul or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If Journey wants people to understand the message they are trying to spread, they need to paint a picture in their listeners minds. In the lyric Singer in a Smokey room, a smell of wine and cheap perfume Journey uses imagery so we can better understand what they are trying to tell us. Journey definitely wants their listeners to remember this song and the message behind it. They use the alliteration of singer in a Smokey room, Some will win, and Shadows searching in the night. To get you to remember this message, they include same consonant sounds in the beginning of a lot of their words. I really want you guys to know that the message conveyed in Journeys song DontStop Believing, which was the 13th most downloaded song in 2008, told us that no matter how bad things get, we should never give up, dont stop believing, and hold on the feeling of hope that these bad times will eventually be In our past. Additional Add Eons- What Is really special about this song Is that even to this day, Journey receives fan mail saying that this song has helped them through depression or go through problems happening In their lives . Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything. What the philosopher Plato is trying to say is that music is The powerful message that Journey is trying to send to listeners is that life gets dont stop believing and hold on to that feeling. They repeat this because they I really want you guys to know that the message conveyed in Journeys song Dont matter how bad things get, we should never give up, dont stop believing, and hold on the feeling of hope that these bad times will eventually be in our past. Additional Add Eons- What is really special about this song is that even to this day, or go through problems happening in their lives.

Monday, November 25, 2019

hate criem Essay

hate criem Essay hate criem Essay New York University New York University is now one of the largest private universities in the United States. The campus is located in downtown Manhattan’s Greenwich Village. NYU offers alot of oppotunities for students with over 400 student clubs and organizations, hundreds of sports and residence hall activities, guest lectures and film screenings, and city excursions and community service opportunities, students get involved with the University, with their college, in their residence hall, and most important, with each other. Students and faculty have access to an exceptional range of facilities, services, residence halls, and dining locations. Academic facilities include nine libraries as well as dozens of specialized centers and institutes. Everyone has access to advanced computer resources and specialized offices that address almost every need from medical attention to discount theatre tickets. Many of NYU’s academic and administrative buildings and freshman residence halls border Washington Square Park. The sidewalks are full of students on their way to class, and members of the NYU community fill the restaurants, shops, and other businesses. Both on campus and off, the people of NYU are directly involved in the day-to-day excitement, culture, and opportunity of the city that serves as a very real extension of NYU’s campus and classrooms. There are 43,911 students attend New york University,which is 43,363 more than the average for all Colleges and Universities. and it is one of the largest university in the us. NYU requires scores for SAT/ACT to be for reading 620/70, Math score of 630/740 and writing 640/730. A G.P.A of 3.6 and up . NYU want to have kinds that are involved in electives and outside of things that help your community grow. The most popular majors at New York

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Political Research Methods- Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Political Methods- - Research Paper Example The exception these proportions of parity in the social resources literature are uncharacteristic. It is evident that countries that score highly on social trust also happen to score highly on economic equality, for example Canada and the Dutch. The case of escalating social trust by sinking inequality has for the most part been overlooked in strategy debates on social trust. The strategy implication that is depicted from the research is that the low down levels of trust and social resources that affect many countries are brought about by little or no government act to lessen inequality. Many countries with low levels of public trust and social resources ultimately find themselves in a situation we call a â€Å"social trap.† Public trust would not rise since immense public inequality reins, but the public strategies that could cure this state of affairs cannot be recognized specifically since there is a real need for trust. This state of affairs concerns both the citizens and the government. Introduction. There exists a great deal of evidence throughout the world that proves income inequality is extreme and ever increasing. It is reported that income inequality has grown in the United States of America than in any other place in the world. Poverty and inequality are closely linked to one another as logical issue and also as a strategy matter, it leads to strict limitations in trying to deal with shortage or even with economic safety devoid of also probing income discrimination. Literature review. Inequality and its perception by the average person is a deadly element of today’s American society since it is related to low levels of trust, as well as a horde of other public challenges. Key terms; Income, inequality and trust. In the 19th century, equality conditions were exceedingly praised and advocated for by Alexis de Tocqueville as he considered them an immense platform for democracy to thrive on. Inequality levels have risen and have remained a t those levels for the better part of the last five decades. This research outlines a self-sufficient assessment based on facts shown in the articles; â€Å"The Spirit Level by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett† and â€Å"A Trust Deficit; Look to the Inequality by Ray Brescia.† The literature review has mirrored the following fundamentals: 1) Consequences of income inequality on contentment significantly depend on the apparent income distribution in a country. Income inequality tends to be absolutely linked to reported well-being as people tend to believe that they will sooner or later reach a higher income. The contrary is witnessed in low income distributing countries because in those countries people tend to believe that it is impracticable to reach high levels of income. 2) Studies of the detrimental consequence of income inequality on health are more often than not decisive. This shows that there is still not a widely acknowledged justification for explaining why income inequality ought to impact on health. Studies tend to put forward that the situation is vice versa, from health condition to income inequality. 3) The connection between income inequality and educational realization might go in both directions. Rising inequality ought to promote funds through improved proceeds while on the other hand, it may thwart these funds for the people at the bottom of the income distribution channel. As regards the second method, the studies suggest a reserved outcome or no outcome of income

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Refer to Article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Refer to Article - Essay Example For instance, the government established a burn aims on advertising cigarettes on television, radios, news papers and other social media. In addition, the United States government established a Policy on Family smoking prevention and tobacco control act that aimed to control the habit of cigarette smoking (US Department of Health and Human Services,paras2-10). Additionally, community health advocacy campaigns’ against smoking and substance abuse was established the through the ministry of health to address the problem of cigarette smoking. The campaigns have been extended not only in schools and institutions of higher learning but also at homes. The campaigns aimed to sensitize the public on the negative impacts of cigarette smoking and substance abuse (Wolfson p.217). . It was reported that the burn helped to reduce cases of cigarette smoking from 40% in 1970 to 19% in the year 2004 (Ferrence, Boisclair and Bader paras6-7). Therefore, this study aims to investigate impacts of smoking, advantages and disadvantages of ant-cigarette smoking campaigns, suggested solutions to address smoking problem as well as summary based on research findings. Advantages and Disadvantages of Cigarette Smoking Campaigns In the United States Anti-cigarette smoking campaigns have helped to reduce the number of deaths attributed to smoking complications such as lungs and throat cancer. Additionally, anti-cigarette smoking campaigns have proved to be cost effective in the long run (F?rat, Begu?m and Aylin p. 142). This is because despite having incurred huge expenditures to carry out anti-cigarette smoking campaigns, the government and health professional have been able to reduce the number of people diagnosed with cancers and smoking related ailments. Connectively, productivity has increased because of having a healthy society where people can work without spending time and resource in taking care of ailed members of the society (F?rat, Begu?m and Aylin pp.142-143). On the con trary, anti-cigarette smoking campaigns have numerous disadvantages especially among cigarette manufacturing companies like Reynolds Tobacco. For example, anti-cigarette campaigns have led to a decrease in companies’ sales volume and profitability. This is because the campaigns utilize deglamolization strategy which aims at making attractiveness of cigarettes among consumers to decline (Glen, Peter and Annette p114). For example; the use of great labels indicating severe consequences of cigarettes brands tends to discourage consumers from taking cigarettes. In above connection, anti-smoking campaigns have caused smoke addicts to be taken as social misfits (Steve, para2). Reaction Summary/personal opinion According to the Centre foe diseases and control, Paras1-3, cigarette smoking campaigns has been reported to increase not only smoking related ailments but also has led to an increase in number of annual deaths in the country. For instance it was reported that cigarette smoki ng had led to an increase in number of adults deaths by a figure of 443,000 every year (Center for Diseases Control and Prevention, para1). Additionally, cigarette smoking was reported to increase the annual medical expenses by ninety six billion dollars. Connectively, the United States government computed a loss of approximate ninety seven billions dollars in productivity due to increase in cases of people diagnos

Monday, November 18, 2019

Develop Pitch Letters to Editors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Develop Pitch Letters to Editors - Essay Example Important Questions: What are the effects of recession in terms of fashion production, fashion themes, the hiring of fashion models, the holding of fashion shows? What are the opportunities for teen shoppers (e.g. where to find recession-chic stores or how to maximize a reader’s present wardrobe)? As runway shows and promotions for the publicity-driven fashion world suffer from cost-cutting, where can one see and find the latest news on the fashion trends? These questions would form the basis for my article. In addition, I am also looking at using several case studies of real people with recession-chic experience and how recession affected, say, their shopping patterns. To find the answers to these questions, I will interview fashion directors, designers, models and ordinary teens – all the stakeholders in the issue. The challenge that I can see in writing this article is how to lighten up the theme so as to be teen-friendly. I hope to do a very excellent piece and I see this feature running 2000+ words. I am a regular visitor of I find the site extremely convenient because 1) it caters to my taste; and, 2) I could find my fashion requirement for news, trends and clothes just by browsing the Internet. As a consumer, I find the web really helpful with the amount of shopping and fashion research you could finish in just one sitting. However, one of the downside of the medium is that you could not personally see products and items when buying online. I did have some experience of buying the wrong size or, there was just something off with the design, among other issues. And so I think that a story about custom tailoring might interest your site. Custom tailoring puts everybody at a distinct advantage. Someone going the custom route gets exactly what he or she wants – the choice of fabric,

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Analysis of the DOTS Programme in Nigeria

Analysis of the DOTS Programme in Nigeria Chapter One 1.0  Introduction to TB: Characteristics of Tuberculosis: Tuberculosis is a disease caused by the bacteria known as Mycobacterium tuberculosis.[1] Mycobacterium tuberculosis was identified in 1882 by Robert Koch.[2] It is an acid-fast bacillus and obligate aerobe which grows in about 15 to 30 days at a  temperature of 35 to 37 degrees centigrade in an enriched media with a moderately acid base medium. It has no natural reservoir and its antigenic properties are similar to the leprosy bacillus, the Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) and other typical types of mycobacterium[3]. M. tuberculosis is pathogenic and virulent in nature. Its ability to cause disease depends on the susceptibility of the host as well as the aggressiveness of the invading organism[4] . An electron scan of the bacterium is highlighted below[5]: Considered one of the most dreaded diseases of the 19th and 20th centuries, TB was the 8th leading cause of death in children between the ages of 1 to 4 years old during the early 1920’s especially in the developed countries of the world like the United States and Britain.  As the general standards of living improved in the industrialised nations of the world so too did the decline in TB related incidences. TB is often classed by the â€Å"infection of one of the two variants of the tubercle bacillus which is known to commonly affect man. They are Mycobacerium tuberculosis and bovis†[6]. In Nigeria, majority of the TB related disease is due largely to the M. tuberculosis variant of the tubercle bacillus. The TB infections caused by Mycobacterium bovis which is associated with milk are rare and few and far between[7]. TB can take an â€Å"active and an inactive† state of infection. The Word Health Organisation (WHO) describes an active case of TB as â€Å"a symptomatic disease due to infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis†[8].  TB cases are generally classified as either pulmonary or extra-pulmonary. Patients with pulmonary TB are further sub-divided into â€Å"smear-positive† and smear-negative cases[9]. Smear-positive cases are the most important sub-groups for control programmes as they are the source of infection.  The WHO has defined a smear-positive patient as: A patient with at least two sputum specimens positive for acid-fast bacilli (AFB) by microscopy A patient with at least one sputum specimen positive for AFB and radiographic abnormalities consistent with active pulmonary TB. A patient with at least one sputum specimen positive for AFB, which is culture-positive for M. tuberculosis. A smear-negative patient; on the other hand is also defined by the WHO as:  ·Ã‚  A patient with at least two sputum specimens negative for AFB by microscopy, radiographic abnormalities consistent with active pulmonary tuberculosis and a decision by a physician to treat with a full curative course of anti-TB chemotherapy  ·Ã‚  A patient with a least one sputum specimen negative for AFB, which is culture-positive for M. Tuberculosis; and finally Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis is defined by the WHO as:  ·Ã‚  A patient with a histological and (or) clinical evidence consistent with active extra-pulmonary TB and a decision by a physician to treat with full curative course of anti-TB chemotherapy[10] 1.10  Mode of Transmission: The transmission of Tuberculosis is done mainly through â€Å"droplet infection and droplet nuclei† which is said to be generated when a patient with tuberculosis coughs[11].  For the infection to be transmitted the droplet particles must be fresh in its constituency to carry a viable organism. The spread and transmission of tuberculosis is heightened even further depending on the vigorous nature of the cough and the ventilation provisions in the environment concerned. 1.11  Signs Symptoms: The element of signs and symptoms in Tuberculosis is often misleading in the sense that the human body may harbour the bacterium that causes tuberculosis, and the immune system in the body suppresses the resultant effect and prevents the host from becoming sick. It is as a result of this scenario that the medical profession and doctors make a distinction between what is referred to as â€Å"Latent TB and Active TB† Latent TB is a condition where the patient has a TB infection but the bacteria (†¦) remains in the body in an â€Å"inactive state† and therefore causes no symptoms to be shown.  Latent TB which is often referred to as â€Å"inactive TB† is not known to be infectious. Active TB on the other hand is the contagious wing of tuberculosis and can make its hosts sick.[12] The state of active TB develops some clear signs and symptoms in its diagnosis and they include: Chills and cold spells Fatigue Fever Loss of Appetite Night Sweats Unexplained weight loss[13] Medical evidence has shown that there are varying degrees of Tuberculosis depending on which part of the human body it affects. Tuberculosis often attacks the lungs and its signs and symptoms include:  ·Ã‚  Coughing that laughs for three weeks or more  ·Ã‚  Coughing up blood  ·Ã‚  Chest pain or pain resulting from breathing or coughing[14] Tuberculosis is known to affect other parts of the body of which include the brain, spine or kidneys. The symptoms depend on the organs that are affected. Tuberculosis of the kidney tends to show signs symptoms of bleeding in the patient’s urine whilst Tuberculosis of the spine shows cases of back pain. 1.12  Incubation Periods source 1.2  Public Health Importance Standard of Living State of Health In Nigeria The United Nations Human Development (UNDP) programme has through the early 1990s paid greater emphasis in human development, welfare and poverty research.  Through its Human Development Report, it has published the Human Development Index (HDI) which looks beyond GDP to a broader definition of a nation’s well-being. The link in welfare is a determinant index to health conditions, well being of persons and an insight onto their susceptibility and immunity to disease infection[15]. The economic condition of a nation is a guiding factor to growth, development and living standards of a nation’s citizen. The assumption that a citizen who is paid more per capita has his or her standard of living higher than those who are paid less is not often the case.  Levels of livelihood and poverty are not necessary elevated through higher income.   Nigeria has seen a steady rise in its income per capita over the years.  However, a sharp incline in its inflation rate to the economy, poor standard of governance coupled with a dilapidated health care system has seen a decline in its overall standard of living.[16] The graph below shows this comparison when we see the income per capita of a nation like Madagascar over Nigeria whose citizens receive a higher pay package but have poorer living standards which trigger health concerns[17]. The Human Development Index (HDI) provides a composite measure of three dimensions of human development. These areas include:  ·Ã‚  Living a long and healthy life which is measured through life expectancy  ·Ã‚  The level and degree of education and literacy of nation’s citizens.  This is measured by adult literacy and enrolment at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels; and finally,  ·Ã‚  Levels of a decent standard of living which is measured by an individuals level of purchasing power parity (PPP) and income base analysis.[18] Critics of the process have adhered to the fact that the index is not in any sense a comprehensive measure of human development and a way of monitoring standard of living. It does not, for example, include important indicators such as gender or income inequality or other indicators such as respect for human rights and political freedoms. However, what it does provide is a broadened prism for viewing human progress and the complex relationship between income and well-being. In Nigerias context, this index measures the countrys standard of living and state of health by comparing certain key sectors such as life expectancy rates and adult literacy rates.  The chart below gives a unique view to Nigerias position. In this chart, Nigeria has been ranked 158th out of 177 amongst the developing nations of the world with an HDI rating of 0.470.[19] The evaluation of a standard of living is relative, depending upon the judgment of the observer as to what constitutes a high or a low scale. Another relative index to the standard of living of a certain economic group can be gathered from a comparison of the cost of living and the wage scale or personal income. Factors such as discretionary income are important, but standard of living includes not only the material articles of consumption but also the number of dependents in a family, the environment, the educational opportunities, and the amount spent for health, recreation, and social services. Nigeria as a nation has a GDP range of 6.4 as at 2008[20] and the number of dependants vary within the populations in the Northern Southern part of the country. A key example on health grounds are the lifestyles of community citizens in Kano, Kaduna, Zamfara, Sokoto and Bauchi States.  The cultural and religious trends of having a male occupant look after both siblings and relatives within a nuclear family as well as the extended family puts a large burden on cost of living, health standards and living quarters. The research conducted by International medical associations and bodies such as CDC, UNICEF, WHO, Rotary International through the Polio vaccination programme in Kano State are key resources showed a dilapidated and sub-standard level of livelihood amongst the locals in urban regions[21]. Unemployment, low wages, crowded living conditions, and physical calamities, such as drought, flood, political instability, malnutrition etc has brought a drop in the standard of living within such regions in Nigeria. While standard of living may vary greatly among various groups within the country, it also varies from nation to nation, and international comparisons are sometimes made by analyzing gross national products, per capita incomes, or any number of other indicators from life expectancy to clean water. Overall, industrialized nations tend to have a higher standard of living than developing countries. Nigeria is no exception to this theory.   Records have shown that since the mid-1970s almost all regions have been progressively increasing their HDI score.  A key region that has seen a tremendous rise in their standard of living since the early 1990s are East South Asia.  Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS); especially Russia and its former Soviet colonies initially had a catastrophic decline in the first half of the 1990s but have recovered and improved their standard of living.[22] The major exception is sub-Saharan Africa in areas such as Niger, Togo, Cameroon and Nigeria. Records have shown that since 1990 standard of living has not improved but stagnated.  Experts believe that this is partly due to economic reversal but principally because of the catastrophic effect of HIV/AIDS on life expectancy.[23] Poverty is the major consequence of the dilapidated and chronic failure in Nigeria’s healthcare and social service system.[24] The access to standard resources such as good education, improved water supply, good nutritional standards and adequate shelter provisions has rendered Nigeria being ranked 80th amongst 108 developing countries with an HPI-1 value of 37.3 as evident in the chart below.[25] These key trends in life expectancy, standard of living and health conditions explains why the 22 nations targeted and responsible for 80% of the world’s TB infections are found in impoverished and developing nations with a poor level of standard of living and health concerns.   1.3  Housing and Poor Sanitation Nigeria; especially Lagos State has had the in-dignified commercial label of being the most expensive slum in the world. This gives a clear insight into the high magnitude of housing inadequacy in both urban rural centres in Nigeria. The dilapidated state of infrastructure and a poor maintenance culture has aggravated the spread of disease and risk in healthy living standards of the vulnerable masses especially in impoverished regions within the country. This can be proven and manifested in both quantitative and qualitative terms. In developed societies such as the United Kingdom (UK), the local authorities are responsible for things like planning permission needed before erecting structures. Nigerias UDB (Urban Development Board) commissions do have rules and regulations in place for buildings, drainage facilities and proper infrastructural displacement but the problem is one of implementation, corruption and share disregard for social, health and economic concerns. This has over the decades given rise to poor sanitary conditions which can be seen through the severe overcrowding and unsanitary environment characterized by housing in the urban centres. The only resultant factor are the culminating effect and growth of slum areas. The deficiency in housing quality, building materials and the design and spacing of buildings is a key aspect of why the spread of diseases such as Meningitis, Cholera, Malaria and Tuberculosis are rampant in the region. Take for example the Northern city of Kano State. A city known for its ancient history and strict adherence to Islamic principles, is also known for its vast close knit network of shanty mud houses that lie in close proximity to one another with barely no room for cross ventilation, proper drainage or sewage facility[26]. Sewage is surface borne with the refuse and excreta of humans and livestock being displayed in the open. The health hazards this poses are many. The question of housing and poor sanitation is nothing new to the African continent and is indeed a key feature in its rural regions which has spread into the urban developed areas of the countries within Africa. The United Nations in 1969 confirmed that the average annual growth rates were 4.7% and 4.6% between the period 1960 and 1980, and 1980 and 2000 respectively. A confirmation of this can be found in the table annexed below.[27] Average Annual Growth Rate Population (Millions) 1960-1980 1980-2000 1960 1980 2000 % % Africa 31 77 190 4.7 4.6 Studies have shown that the rapid rate of urbanisation in Nigeria and the consequential explosion of urban population have not been matched by a corresponding commensurate change in social, economic and technological development[28] The economic down town in the early 1980s saw a break in the level of growth and development with the nation’s economy to that of its population boom[29]. The lack of proper adequate public infrastructure and social services has suffered tremendously and this has affected the process and level of urban planning and zoning in many cases.  A practical example of this can be seen in the newly created Nigerian capital the Federal Capital territory, Abuja. The capital was built by foreign contractors; Julius Berger, with the idea and layout of a suburban aristocratic society with well spaced buildings proper social and infrastructural amenities and health concerns taking into consideration.  But the key problem lay with accommodation and transportation of the work force and working class within the city.   No provisions were made which forced locals to build shanty accommodations unaided by proper planning authorities with little or no regard for health safety issues, sanitary considerations or even building regulations. This idea coupled with the population growth had outpaced the rate of housing provision and created a dilemma in the housing standards and sanitary conditions of millions of its inhabitants.  The spread of diseases both air water borne became eminent and this has been a key problem and contributory factor to disease control in Nigeria.   1.4  Housing and Poverty: The spread of disease can be said to be the resultant consequence of a number of socio-economic factors as well as the action and inaction of government over the years.  Rural areas and indeed some urban regions in Nigerian States, generally lack vital social services and infrastructure services such as clean water, electricity, and good roads. The absence of these amenities constitutes push factors which can be said to have facilitated the migration of rural dwellers into urban centres.   It is note a surprise that the rate of urbanisation in Nigeria far outpaces the rate of economic development.  Despite the enormous amount of money proposed for urban investment in the National Development Plan, very limited investment is made in urban infrastructure.  An increasing shortage of urban services and infrastructure characterize the urban areas, and these are only accessible to a diminishing share of the population.   The existing urban services are overstrained which often times lead to total collapse.  A large proportion of the population does not have reasonable access to safe and ample water supply, and neither do they have the means for hygienic waste disposal. It is eminent that these two services are essential for a healthy and productive life and the lack of it are a key contributory factor to the causes of Tuberculosis.   The quality of the environment in most urban centres in Nigeria is deplorable.  This is not so much dependent on the material characteristics of the buildings but on their organization as spatial units.  The slow process of urban planning and zoning, in the face of rapid urbanisation in most urban centres, has resulted in poor layout of buildings with inadequate roads between them and inadequate drainage and provision for refuse evacuation.  Thus there is a high incidence of pollution through water, solid waste, air and noise and inadequacy of open spaces for other land uses[30]. Studies over the years have shown the deplorable conditions of urban housing in Nigeria. They affirm that 75% of the dwelling units in Nigeria’s urban centres are substandard and the dwellings are sited in slums[31].  This is attributed to the combined effects of natural ageing of the buildings, lack of maintenance and neglect, wrong use of the buildings, poor sanitation in the disposal of sewage and solid waste, wrong development of land, and increasing deterioration of the natural landscape. There are moderate building facilities in Nigeria but the high level of poverty of most urban households places the available housing stock out of their economic reach.  Many of the households resort to constructing make shift dwellings with all sorts of refuse materials in illegally occupied land.  This has led to the growth of squatter settlements in many urban centres.  The buildings therein are badly maintained and lack sanitary facilities with little access to light, air and good water.[32]   The United Nations Standard for Nigeria’s room occupancy is 2.20. The World Health Organization (WHO) stipulates the average rating to be between 1.8 and 3.1, whilst the Nigerian Government prescribed a standard of 2.0 per room.[33]   However, the reality is different as overcrowding is thus a visible feature of urban housing in Nigeria.  It is symptomatic of housing poverty and consequential of poor economic circumstances. 1.5  Prevalence of TB: The term â€Å"prevalence† of Tuberculosis usually refers to the estimated population of people who are managing Tuberculosis at any given time.  Prevalence and mortality are considered by the WHO as direct indicators of the burden of Tuberculosis which indicate the number of people suffering from the disease at a given point in time and subsequently those dying each year.[34] A balance and understanding of these terms aids the improvement of the level of control and effectiveness in treatment thereby reducing the average duration of the disease.  The Stop TB Partnership link spearheaded by the WHO is aimed at reducing by 2015, the per capita prevalence and mortality rates by 50% in comparison to records in 1990.[35] The optimism is reassuring in most regions of the world with the exception of the African continent. The key factors derailing the efforts will be highlighted in the next chapter. In order to determine prevalence levels within a region, resort to statistic by way of a â€Å"population based survey† is often adopted. These surveys are used to estimate prevalence for those countries with proper census records. Another option is to adopt the method of â€Å"estimated incidence† ratings. Estimates of this nature on TB incidences, prevalence and mortality rates are based on a consultative and analytical process proscribed by the WHO and published on an annual basis. Records vary from country to country, however the general formulae used is derived from the following key factors: Estimates of incidence combined with assumptions about the duration of the disease.   The duration of the disease is assumed to vary in accordance with whether or not the disease is â€Å"smear-positive and whether or not the individual receives treatment in a DOTS programme or in a non DOTS programme or is not treated all; and finally Whether or not the individual is infected with HIV[36] According to the WHO, nearly two billion people; about one-third of the world’s population, are infected with TB.[37] In developed regions of the world such as the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States of America (USA), the prevalence levels are much lower than those recorded in high risk regions of the developing world. Statistic records rendered in 2003 from the Department of Health within the UK suggests the following:  ·Ã‚  42 years was the mean age of patients hospitalised with Tuberculosis in England between 2002-2003  ·Ã‚  69% of hospitalisations for Tuberculosis was for 15-59 year olds in England between 2002-2003  ·Ã‚  10% of hospitalisations for Tuberculosis was for over 75 year olds in England between 2002-2003.[38] The goal for Tuberculosis elimination in the United States of America (USA) is a TB disease incidence of less than 1 per million US population by 2010. This requires that the Latent TB Infection (LTBI) prevalence level should be less than 1% and decreasing by 2010.   Current prevalence rate levels of Tuberculosis in the United States are between 10 and 15 million people. In 1998, a total of 18,371 active TB cases were recorded in all 50 states and the District of Columbia[39] A comparison level of statistical studies in the prevalence levels of patients between 1999-2000 was compared to those of patient’s way back in 1971-1972 and the results were as follows: LTBI prevalence was 4.2% with an estimated 11,213,000 individuals diagnosed with LTBI Amongst 25 – 74 year olds, prevalence decreased from 14.3% in 1971-1972 to 5.7% in 1999-2000 Higher prevalence’s were seen in the foreign borns which accounting for 18.7%, non Hispanic blacks and African Americans accounted for 7.0%, Mexican Americans accounted for 9.4% and individuals living in poverty accounted for 6.1% A total of 63% of LTBI was among the foreign born A total of 25.5% of persons with LTBI had previously been diagnosed as having LTBI or TB; and Only 13.2% had been prescribed treatment[40] The chart below; as well as that in â€Å"the annex†, shows the level of new TB cases per 100,000 population and that of prevalence levels in HIV+ people worldwide for the year 2007.[41] 1.6  How Rapid Does TB Spread In Nigeria?: Part of the Federal Governments programme in curbing the spread has been initiated through the National TB and Leprosy Control Programme (NTBLCP) which is seeking to achieve a 70% TB detection rate and an 85% cure rate by the end of 2010 The programme also aims to ensure that TB patients receive adequate drugs and comply with the slated 8 months period of treatment.   Mr Omoniyi Fadare; an NTBLCP Programme Officer is quoted to have said in 2005 that the DOTS programme was being implemented in 584 out of 774 local government areas with the country recording between 700,000 to 1 million TB cases annually out of which 105,000 are TB related deaths.[42] Ideally, the spread of TB should be less bearing in mind that the Nigerian Government has implemented the DOTS strategy in all antiretroviral treatment centres nationwide in an effort to control the spread of Tuberculosis..   However, this is not the case as in 2009 the rate of prevalence had risen to over 1.2 million with an annual mortality rate of 150,000. These statistics question the reasons behind the spread of TB in Nigeria. The spread of TB is made rampant through factors such as poverty and outdated testing equipment which contribute to Nigeria’s high TB prevalence. The lack of awareness, early detection and failure to render immediate treatment are also key factors to the spread of TB in Nigeria as corroborated by Dan Onwujekwe; a Senior Fellow of the Lagos based Nigerian Institute of Medical Research.[43] A recent study carried out by the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research (NIMR) in 2007 found out that of the 620 HIV/AIDS patients surveyed in June and July, 2006, about 160 had TB without knowing they did have the disease.[44]  Other factors which contribute to the growing spread of the disease include: The lack of sufficient drugs and clinics within close proximity of affected regions has heightens the spread of the disease as infected persons and those willing to undergo medical check ups are discouraged from seeking help. Poor laboratory infrastructure needed for testing as well as insufficient man power also plague the success and undermine the effective implementation of the TB control activities. Also worthy of note is limited funding for TB control efforts from the Federal and Sate government authorities. The failure on the part of the authorities stalls the programmes ability to execute necessary activities when due.  The issue of funding is a paradoxical point as it points also to issues of embezzlement and corruption that has plagued the country over several decades of mismanagement. The DOTS programme and TB drugs are relatively cheap and free to the public and yet with adequate funding from NGO’s and governments like the EU and the United States; as indicated in the diagram below[45], the problem of funding still remains a key factor that continues to fuel the spread of the disease. 1.7  Aim: The aim of this study (dissertation) is:  ·Ã‚  To provide an insight into the terminal disease of Tuberculosis on an International and national level  ·Ã‚  To evaluate DOTS implementation in Nigeria using a series of case detection and treatment outcomes as indicators  ·Ã‚  To analyse and evaluate the resulting consequences of the DOTS programme in Nigeria within the 21st century and see if its adoption has favoured a positive control of TB over the years 1.8  Obejetive: The following are the objectives of this study (dissertation):  ·Ã‚  To evaluate case detection rates of smear-positive TB cases in selected areas implementing the DOTS programme within Nigeria  ·Ã‚  To evaluate case detection rates of all TB cases notified in Nigeria within the 21st century  ·Ã‚  To compare Nigerian experiences, failures and progresses to other developing nations and developed countries of the world affected by TB  ·Ã‚  To identify potential weaknesses, strengths and developments in the DOTS programme in Nigeria  ·Ã‚  To create, deliver and analyse a survey on the Nigerian public on the implementation of DOTS in Nigeria within selective states and compare the resulting outcomes with available data 1.9  Research Question: Research questions will be focussed on whether or not the DOTS programme has achieved its object and mandate of reducing the rate of TB infection in Nigeria. Whether or not the target of 2015 by the WHO is a realistic target that can be met by Nigeria? Whether or not Nigeria has made progress over the years with the amount of funding hey have had and the exposure the healthcare system has had to curb the growing threat of TB in the country Whether factors such as cultural, religious, economic and social elements are the cause of the drawback in the successful implementation of the DOTS programme in Nigeria? Chapter Two 2.0  The Federal Republic of Nigeria: Nigeria is located in Western Africa on the Gulf of Guinea and occupies a total area of 923,768 km ² making it the 32nd largest country in the world.[46] It is comparable in size to the South American country of Venezuela and is about twice the size of the State of California in the United States of America.[47] It is bordered by Benin in the West, Niger in the North, Chad in the North West, Cameroon in the East and has a coastline of at least 853  km with the Atlantic ocean.[48] The countrys climatic regions are broken down into three categories – the far south which is defined by tropical rainforest climate with annual rainfall of between 60 to 80 inches per annum, the far north where majority of the TB epidemics and polio incidences have been recorded is defined by its almost desert-like climate where rain fall records are set at less than 20 inches per annum and finally the rest of the countrys region between the far south and far north is characteristic of the savanah grove land with annual rainfalls of between 20 to 60 inches.[49] The country has over 250 ethnic group divisions.[50] The main tribes are the Hausa’s in the Nothern part of the country where majoriy of the TB pandemic is recorded, the Yoruba’s in the Southern part of the country known for is thick mangrove swambs and malaria manifestation and the Igbo’s in the Eastern part of the country where majority of the nations oil explorations and severe environmental degredation oil spilllages are found.[51] In a country ranked as the 8th most populous country in the world, the United Nations (UN) estimated Nigeria’s population at 131,530,000 in 2004.[52] The latest censors in Nigeria in 2006 put the countrys population at 150 million; that is almost 3 times the population of the United Kingdom in an area mass of about less than half the size of Nigeria. It is estimated that by 2050, Nigeria will be one of those countries in the world; like China, India and Brazil, that account for majority of the world’s population.[53] It is indeed a statistical nightmare when one considers that most of the world’s current populous nations are amongs the 22 nations in the DOTS programme. Nigeria as a confederation of states is divided into thirty six (36) states and one Federal Capital Territory (Abuja) which are further divided into 774 LGA’s.[54]  This gives you an idea of the logistical difficulties and task ahead of the DOTS programme in curbing a disease that is catalysed by such vices as poor sanitary conditions and tightly spaced housing plans. Nigeria has six major cities with a population of over 1 million people. They are the cities of Lagos, Kano, Ibadan, Kaduna, Port Harcourt and Benin City.[55]  The city of Lagos alone accounts for 8 million people[56]; a region of about the size of Cardiff. This demography and health hazards surrounding a region in comparision to the capital of Wales which accounts for only 2.9 milion citizens.  A map of the region showing its states and geographical lo

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

Death Sentence is not an Effective Deterrent Experts have shown that the death penalty has not proved to be a strong deterrent (Michael, 2009). They also believe that life imprisonment is better deterrent than capital punishment as it spoils the whole life of the criminal that way instilling the fear in other possibility criminal (Michael, 2009). Some criminologists states that â€Å"society is brutalized by the use of the death penalty, and this increases the likelihood of more murder† (Michael, 2009). This means that it increases the chance of future murders in societies. Statistics expose that states that do not have the death penalty in the US have lower murder rates compared to other states(Michael, 2009). On the other hand likewise, murder rates are higher in the US states that practice the death penalty than they are in Canada or Europe where the death penalty is not practiced (Parks,2009). The reason for its inefficacy as deterrence may be because there are some holes in the legal system of many countries. There are several examples when murders are committed in anger and without thinking of the consequences. Prominent politicians believe that the death penalty may be ineffective as a deterrent because murders often happen under the influence of drugs or alcohol; "It is my own experience that those executed in Texas were not deterred by the existence of the death penalty law. I think in most cases you'll find that the murder was committed under severe drug and alcohol abuse (Hood &Hoyle, 2008)". A survey done by the criminologists in US shows that the majority argued against the death penalty on deterrence. It was based on the questionnaires and 88 percent of responders stated that ... ...ountries have abolished the death punishment, while other countries still practice this penalty. This essay has argued that there is an urgent need to abolish capital punishment in all countries. Possible reasons for retaining the death penalty, including the idea of revenge , effectiveness of the death penalty and the right to life have been examined. This paper has also explored arguments that support abolishing death penalty. These include the failure of this punishment to deter criminals, the right to life and the social balance. Whether the death penalty is abolished or not depends on the legal system of any country. However, human life and safety should be respected by government. It is clear that further research is needed in this area, there would seem to be considerable evidence that all governments in the world should abolish the death penalty.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Justice System Position Paper

The purpose of this paper is to state my belief that juveniles should and can be rehabilitated. The goals and efforts of rehabilitation are to keep the juvenile offenders out of the correctional facility. Peers impact delinquency in several ways for instance; most teenagers follow their friends do to peer pressure. Some juveniles demonstrating behaviors that are inappropriate at times just to fit in. In some cases the peers that are under the influence of their friends tend to due things that they were taught not to do because they will feel as though they may lose the others as their friend. A lot of juvenile’s offenders don't have a positive older role model in their life they can turn to so they tend to turn to their peers for guidance and this is how juvenile delinquency begins. In many cases juvenile delinquents are raised by single parents. Some are subjected to an environment that is considered a high crime area in which promotes delinquent behavior. In some cases when juvenile’s become delinquent they feel as though because of their age there is no real consequence they would face because they are minors. Juveniles have often said â€Å"nothing will happen to me because I’m under aged†. Not all juveniles are a menace to society and should not be place in a juvenile detention. There are many cases when juvenile delinquents can benefit from rehabilitation and not be punishing by placing them in a detention facility. In the early days 1800’s, young children the age of seven and older were placed in an adult correctional facility. These children were incarcerated with criminals who committed murder, robbery, rape, ect†¦ In these early years of incarceration men, women, children and the mentally challenged shared the same space within the correctional facility. The juvenile justice system should focus on rehabilitation The purpose of rehabilitation is to offer programs and therapeutic session in order to assist juvenile delinquents to return to their community. Rehabilitating juvenile delinquents can also deter them from future criminal behavior. The purpose of the community –base treatment programs are designed to serve the juveniles by rehabilitating them so they are able to live as productive citizens within their community. Within the juvenile justice system there are several community treatment based programs that are made available in order to rehabilitate them before entering back into the community. Juvenile delinquents can receive rehabilitation for drug and alcohol use. They can also receive educational courses in order to help them with life skills. Rehabilitation is designed to assist juveniles with the help of a professional team to help teens to cope with drug and alcohol abuse, self-esteem issues, and in some cases sexual abuse. The juvenile justice system should focus on rehabilitation for reasons such as; it can deter juvenile delinquent from future criminal offense. Rehabilitations can also be an alternate solution for juvenile’s verses punishment. Rehabilitating a juvenile can also eliminate the amount cost of incarceration. Rehabilitation can allow the juvenile delinquent to understand his or her reason for their behaviors and can deter them from future acts. Rehabilitation can also help juvenile offenders understand the affect they may have on their community when committing crime. Rehabilitation offers juvenile offenders a new lead on life and implements ways to change their criminal behavior. Why should the juvenile justice system adopt the focus of rehabilitation? The juvenile justice system should adopt the focus of rehabilitation because it would allow juveniles a chance to regain acceptance from the people who live within their community as well as ensuring that each juvenile become successful within society. The juvenile justice system should adopt the focus of rehabilitation verses punishment for reasons such as, when juvenile delinquents are order by a judge to become rehabilitated they tend to learn from their mistake and attempt to make a life change for the better. Most juveniles who committed to becoming rehabilitated have become successful with deterring from criminal activities. In many cases some juvenile delinquents have grown to be productive throughout their teenage years into adulthood after receiving rehabilitation. Rehabilitation has an affect on law enforcement, court process, probation, corrections, community service, and intervention programs for example, within law enforcement most juvenile offenders stand a lesser chance committing a second offense. This would allow the law enforcement to focus on new cases of criminal offenders. In addition to focusing on new offenses, law enforcement can utilize the funding that it would take support the process and use it in other areas most needed. â€Å"Almost all federal support for juvenile law enforcement activities comes through grants made to states and local agencies. (Rabkin, J. N. , 1998) Most juveniles are recommended rehabilitation during the court process. Until the juvenile delinquent has meet all requirements set by his or her probation officer and or the judge, then he or she must complete all orders that are set in order to be in compliance with rehabilitation. Rehabilitation will affect probation because the more juvenile offenders ar e placed on probation the more probation offers case load. Juvenile delinquents must report to their assigned probation offer in order to be in compliance with rehabilitation. In most instance probation officers are assigned to juvenile delinquents who did not receive a jail sentence therefore they are required to check in with the probation officer in order to determine if rehabilitation is effective. Rehabilitation can affect corrections for reasons such as, when funding is made available by grants and other agencies the correction facility can support more rehabilitation services for the juvenile delinquents who in term had to serve time in a correctional facility. Community service would be affected in a positive way because this would allow agencies within the community to help juvenile delinquents regain their self –esteem by allowing them to complete volunteer work. This helps with building their work ethics as well as confidence. Intervention programs could benefit from the use of rehabilitation because it allows more analysis to be complete on the behaviors of juvenile delinquents. This can also be beneficial to rehabilitation programs as well because it allow the programs to create new strategies in order to better rehabilitate juvenile delinquents. It has been several arguments that are opposed of rehabilitating juvenile delinquents. Some feel as though juvenile delinquents should face harsh punishment in order to deter future criminal acts. Then on the other side, there has been argument that juvenile delinquents can benefit from becoming rehabilitated through community base programs as oppose to being incarcerated. There are numerous success stories of how effective juvenile rehabilitation has been. In recent finding judge LaDoris Cordell stated â€Å"the juvenile justice system can be applied and modified to deal with the needs of the particular juvenile. †(Cordell, L. , 2011) In some studies there has been argument that rehabilitation is non effective within the juvenile justice system. In some studies researchers find that most juveniles who commit criminal acts are of those who are poor and in low income homes, they also have a â€Å"lack of opportunity lead children to crime, not families that fail to teach value. (P, F, P, A, 1996) A few arguments that are opposing from the other side are that some feel as though rehabilitations are non- effective and has not deterred juveniles from criminal behavior. It has also been argued that incarceration would serve as justice and is more effective than juvenile delinquent attending rehabilitation programs. Some argued that putting the funds that support rehabilitation programs to other use such as â€Å"placing it on health care. †(Limbaugh, S. 010) I will attempt to validate why my argument is stronger than the opposing side, In my opinion I feel the arguments that were opposed to rehabilitation are not as valid as my arguments for reason such as, juveniles that are incarcerated for a long period of time stand a greater chance of becoming institutionalized as oppose to juveniles who are becoming rehabilitated through community programs. Juvenile delinquents who spend a lot of time incarcerated stand a greater chance of becoming depressed, aggressive, and even more violent towards others than before they enter into the correctional facility. Juvenile delinquents who attend rehabilitation programs have been a positive resolution for young offenders. Most juveniles who were rehabilitated stand a greater chance to become more productive within society. If the juvenile justice system would focus more on rehabilitation services then most juvenile delinquents can concentrate on becoming rehabilitated and not feel the pressure of confinement with in the correctional facility. † Rehabilitation is the focus of corrections programs for juveniles. †(T, P, F, J, D, 1999) Evidence to support my claims Community rehabilitation programs are the best prevention for juvenile delinquents. When providing services to juvenile delinquents it allows juvenile delinquents to regain self confidents when reentering into society as well as it brings about self awareness. In 1996 a report from RAND Corporation which indicated that â€Å"early intention programs can prevent as many as 250 crimes per $1 million spent while the same amount spent in prisons would prevent only 60 such crimes a year†. (Adebayo,J. ,A. 2011) In conclusion The purpose of my position paper is to state my belief that juveniles should and can be rehabilitated. The goals and efforts of rehabilitation are to keep the juvenile offenders out of the correctional facility. The advantage of rehabilitating juvenile delinquents is to deter them from future criminal acts. The disadvantage of juvenile punishment is that some juveniles that are confined to a correction facility as oppose to reporting to a community program risks the chance of becoming institutionalized. The disadvantage of becoming institutionalized can trigger more aggressive behavior than before. In my opinion I feel as though rehabilitation is more effective then placing juvenile delinquents in a correctional facility because juveniles are able to get a new start on life after being rehabilitated.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

CHAVARRIA Surname Meaning and Family History

CHAVARRIA Surname Meaning and Family History The Chavarria surname means new house, originating as a common variation of the surname Echevarria (Basque Extebarria), derived from the elements  exte, meaning house and  barria, meaning new. Its origins are rooted in the Northern Basque region. Alternate Surname Spellings:  ECHAVARRIA, CHAVARRI, CHAVARIA, ECHAVARIA, CHAVARRA, ECHEBERRIA, ECHEBARRIA, ETCHEVERRI, DETCHEVERRY, ECHEBARRI Surname Origin:  Basque, Spanish, French Famous People With the CHAVARRIA  Surname Daniel Chavarrà ­a  - Uruguay-born revolutionary and writer living in CubaJorge Rossi Chavarrà ­a - Costa Rican politician Where Is the CHAVARRIA Surname Most Common? According to surname distribution from  Forebears, Chavarria is the 2,959th most common name in the world- found most prevalently in Mexico. It is most common, however, in countries such as Nicaragua (ranked 27th) and Costa Rica (ranked 35th). Within the United States, the Chavarria surname is most common in states with a large Spanish-speaking population, including New Mexico, Texas, California and Florida. Surname maps from the Instituto Nacional de Estadestica (Spanish Statistics Office) indicate that the Chavarria surname is most frequently found in northeastern Spain, used most frequently by individuals born in the province of Tarragona, followed by Cuenca, Huesca, Teruel and Zaragoza. Genealogy Resources for the Surname CHAVARRIA GenForum: Chavarria: This free genealogy forum includes posts from individuals researching their Chavarria ancestors around the world. Search or browse the archives for posts about your Chavarria ancestors, or join and post your own Chavarria query.FamilySearch - CHAVARRIA Genealogy: Explore over 524,000 results from digitized  historical records and lineage-linked family trees related to the Chavarria surname on this free website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.GeneaNet - Chavarria  Records: GeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Chavarria  surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries. Resources and Further Reading Cottle, Basil.  Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967.Dorward, David.  Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998.Fucilla, Joseph.  Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003.Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges.  A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989.Hanks, Patrick.  Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003.Reaney, P.H.  A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997.Smith, Elsdon C.  American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Reasons for Revolution essays

Reasons for Revolution essays During the years leading to the American Revolution in 1776 there were many influential causes which prompted the Americans to rebel, but some factors were more significant than others. Parliamentary Taxation was undoubtedly the most significant reason for the colonist to rebel, the British placed heavy taxes on imported goods while denying the colonists representation in parliament. Secondly, was the restriction of civil liberties, in reaction to the colonists protest on the taxations, in 1774 Britain passed a series of intolerable acts as direct punishment for the strong protesting. Thirdly, the unnecessary military measures in the colonies, Britain used its powerful military to regulate the colonial trade and control any rebellious colonists. Lastly, was the immense difference in the British and colonial religious and political ideas concerning freedom of religion and forming a constitutional government. Parliamentary taxation was the most significant factor prompting the Americans to rebel in 1776. The British Empire had just claimed victory over the French in the Seven Years War, but was in a great economic debt. Since Parliament needed another economic source they were keen on the idea that the colonies were to help for the war. In order to receive revenue from the colonies, Parliament passed a series of acts putting heavy duties on goods imported into the colonies. The colonists were angered by parliaments decision to tax especially since mercantilism and the Navigation Laws prohibited the colonies from trading with other sources. The first taxation act passed was the sugar act, and shortly followed were the Stamp Act along with the Townshend Tea Tax. The angered colonist protested in massive mobs screaming regarding to being heavily taxed without representation. Although the heavy taxes didnt pay nearly enough for annual costs of military in the colonies, it brought th e colonists closer to ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Aortic Aneurysms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Aortic Aneurysms - Essay Example And in its management, several studies have shown that the newer endovascular repair is much preferred over the conventional open surgery for practical and scientific reasons. Without trying to look like a meta-analysis, I have searched the World Wide Web for articles on this disease entity. And my purpose in doing this is to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the methods for its diagnosis, its indications for surgery, methods of surgery, and general outcome after treatment. An aneurysm in its most simple definition is a localized dilatation of an artery involving an increase in its diameter of at least 50 percent in comparison to its original normal diameter. Anatomically, it often represents a weakness in the wall of the artery at any given segment of the aorta. It is noted that there is an increasing incidence of aortic aneurysms lately. Hence, there is also a trend in seeking better methods for diagnosing and treating this pathology. Without trying to look like a meta-analysis, I did an on-line systematic Medline and PubMed search and then reviewed the retrieved articles on the diagnosis, pathogenesis, treatment and current management of aortic aneurysms. ... Just for the purpose of discussion in this paper, I shall classify aortic aneurysms based on their location, since these may appear elsewhere. If the dilation appears on the aortic root they are called aortic root aneurysm. If the dilatation is found in the thoracic aorta, they are called thoracic aortic aneurysms. Aneurysms are also classified based on their location in the thoracic segments of the thoracic aorta; hence we may have an ascending, an arch aneurysm or a descending thoracic aneurysm. Aneurysms found after the descending segment is termed abdominal aortic aneurysm. In the physical examination for suspected aortic aneurysm, the only maneuver of demonstrated value is abdominal palpation to detect abnormal widening of the aortic pulsation. Palpation appears to be safe and has not been reported to precipitate rupture. The diagnosis of aortic aneurysms is confirmed based on findings with ultrasonography or computerized tomography. There is limited data to suggest that abdominal obesity decreases the sensitivity of palpation. Abdominal palpation specifically directed at measuring aortic width has moderate sensitivity for detecting an aneurysm that would be large enough to be referred for surgery but cannot be relied on to exclude aortic aneurysm, especially if rupture is a possibility. The role of genetic factors influencing familial aggregation of aortic aneurysms has also been reviewed. Aortic aneurysms, particularly the thoracic ones, and those in association with multiplex pedigrees represent a new risk factor for aneurysm growth. Pedigree analysis suggests genetic heterogeneity. The primary mode of inheritance seems to be autosomal dominant, but X-linked dominant and recessive modes are also evident. In the past,

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Chromatographic and Hyphenated Methods Research Paper

Chromatographic and Hyphenated Methods - Research Paper Example Thermometers should be available to take the correct reading during the heating process. One can easily forget to transfer the reagents to 5 volumetric standard flasks. This will limit the dilution of the reagents with the correct amount of acetone (Holler, et al., 2006). Following the right procedure and collecting all the requirements before the experiment will be helpful. During the experiment, the following components must be evaluated in the experiment. The quantity of esomeprazole in the product, which is the drug is one of the components to be determined. It is also significant to determine the stability of the drug in the environment. The process of preparing the drug should also be examined to ascertain its validity to the process (Holler, et al., 2006). During microanalysis, it is important to take a keen interest in the following; the content of esomeprazole in the drug, functionality of the drug and the effects of the drug patients. It is also important to examine the suitability of the drug to its function. The following should also be looked into Nexpro, torrent, Raciper, Ranbaxy, Bezos, Glenmark. There are different methods for separating ingredients. One of the processes is base-acid extraction. This is a desirable method for separating valuable chemicals from the unwanted gunk. The principle behind this theory is that chemicals alkaloids in general, exist in two forms. Water-soluble component together with an acid and an oil.